To joyfully proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through our deeds and love for the church, community, nation and world.
Ministry Opportunities
Welcoming Team
As a follow up to Pastor Vince’s note of welcome, we call, email, and/or text visitors to add our welcome cheer and answer any current questions, arrange to meet at service and provide our contact information for subsequent queries.
Welcome Cards
These informational cards are provided to visitors and members. Pastor Vince sends them in his welcome letters. These cards include our service schedule, special events, website address, and contact information.
Prayer Shawls and Lap Robes
Made with love and offered as an expression of God's love and care through His people. This work is done by dedicated members and are provided to members and others in our community. For more information, please contact: Nellie Brawn, nellbrawn@hotmail.com; 386-864-1012
Window Clings and Lapel Pins
The window clings may be displayed on your car window, or other source, and includes our church logo, $3.00 donation. We also have lapel pins with our newly designed logo, free. For more information, please contact Rick Gibbs, n9244@yahoo.com; 386-283-5394
Helping Hands & Loving Meals
We provide meals and fellowship to our church family following a hospital or rehab stay, caring for or loss of a loved one.
We provide transportation to members who can no longer drive to church, groceries, appointments, etc. For more information, please contact: Rick Gibbs, n9244@yahoo.com; 412-335-4055
Communication with the Community
In the spirit of our mission to communicate and to expand our reach within our community, we have engaged and continue to implement several initiatives throughout the year.
Website Development and Updates
To enhance communication with members and our surrounding community by providing a tool to gain more information/insight about SMBTS.
Contact to Our Church Family
We send cards of cheer, good health, thinking of you, speedy recovery, sympathy, and other significant events. For requests to a church member, please contact: Kim James; james.kjames1@gmail.com; 386-546-1023.
Ecumenical Activities
The opportunity to connect with other churches in our community, to worship God and to provide goods and services to those in need.