The Labyrinth
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105

The labyrinth, a tool for mediation, combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. Praying a labyrinth is a form of walking meditation which can lead from yearning towards joy, meaning, hope, and peace.
Entering the Labyrinth
Before entering the labyrinth, it is helpful to spend a few moments quietly at the periphery, allowing yourself to become still and attentive. When you are ready, step onto the labyrinth and enter the path. The entrance can be a place to stop, reflect, and seek God’s blessings on the spiritual walk you are about to take.
Three Stages of the Walk
Stage One — Releasing
When moving from the entrance of the labyrinth toward the center, focus on casting off the worries of the day. Discard your many roles; leave demands behind. Set aside the anxious desire to get the most out of the labyrinth and simply allow yourself to be expectant of what God is doing as you walk. It may be helpful to pause at each significant turn so that you can look up, take a deep breath, and refocus.
Stage Two — Reflecting
At the center, pause for prayer and contemplation, creating a time to be open to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Enjoy the silence, stillness and waiting. As you rest in the center, rest in the knowledge of God’s unconditional love. Contemplate what God has done, is doing, and promises yet to do in your life. Consider the possibility of the new, the miraculous, the Holy entering and remaining in your life.
Stage Three — Returning
During the walk out of the labyrinth, as you retrace your steps, listen for God’s call to you. Move away from anxiety toward peace and faith. Use this time of returning to consider how you will respond to God’s continuing presence in your life.